SATEL Proof-TR4+ / -TR9 is a heavy-duty radio modem. It has the IP69K rating, which is the highest protection available. It protects against ingress of dust, high temperature and high-pressure water. The product consists of this IP69K sealed housing and a radio module using either 403-473 MHz or the ISM licence-free frequency band 902–928 MHz .

SATEL Proof-TR4+ / -TR9 with IP69K-classification meets, for example, the requirements of machine control, smart farming and marine applications. It is a flexible and cost-effective solution that has profound electrical protection; both the power and data lines as well as the antenna interface are surge protected. It also has additional filtering on GNSS frequencies.

The modem is compatible with SATELLINE-EASy, -TR1, -TR9 / SATEL-EASy+ / -TR+ / -TR49 / -TR489 based products as well as several other radio protocols.

Complies with the requirements in the USA, Canada and Australia.

Frequency range   403 .. 473  or 902 … 928 MHz
Channel spacing


  6.25*), 12.5, 20*) and 25 kHz, software selectable

 @ TR4 *)uses 12.5 kHz channel width


Spreading method  Frequency hopping @ TR9
Sensitivity / Carrier power   -118 to -105 dBm / 1 W
Interface   RS-232 (TD, RD lines)
Data speed  Serial max.:
 – 115200 bps
 Radio max.:
 – 28800 bps @ TR4+
 – 115200 bps @ TR9
Operating voltage range  +7 to +27.5 Vdc (-15% / +20%)
Connectors  Deutsch DT04-6P-CL09 / TNC female
Size / Weight  174 x 95 x 46 mm / <500 g
IP classification  IP69K
Encryption support TR4+   AES128 as default / AES256 as an order option

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