Rugged Heavy Dutty radio modem 

Ideal for industrial and machinery applications in adverse weather conditions. It has the IP69K rating, which is the highest protection available. It protects against ingress of dust, high temperature and high-pressure water. The product consists of this IP69K sealed housing and a radio module using either 403-473 MHz or the ISM licence-free frequency band 902–928 MHz .


Half-duplex VHF radio modem that operates on 135 … 174 MHz frequency band. Channel spacing 12.5 and 25 kHz are available, with over-the-air data rates 9600 bps or 19200 bps, respectively.

5 W output power and a heat sink is the appropriate choice when continuous transmission (when transmitter duty cycle exceeds 20%) is required.

Over the Air Network Management functions (NMS)

Network Management System for SATELLINE 3AS

A SATELLINE-3AS(d) VHF network consists of remotely adjustable radio modems controlled through the master station by the SATEL NMS (Network Management System) software. The SATEL NMS provides a powerful graphical tool for designing and monitoring the radio network.

The NMS radio modems monitor the condition of the radio connection, in particular the strength of the signal (RSSI), the voltage level of the power source and inside temperature of the modem. The information is transmitted to the software, where it is stored and displayed as logs and trend data. With the help of the graphical display at the software, the user can conveniently configure, add or remove radio modems as well as set repeater links, without need of a terminal.


SATEL Compact-Proof is an IP67 classified UHF radio modem for wireless data transfer. It has a 1 W transmitter, wide 90 MHz / 70 MHz tuning range (330…420 MHz / 403…473 MHz) in one hardware and selectable channel spacing. It is based on SATELLINE-EASy and provides a compact and flexible solution for a wide range of applications. It is particularly well suited for outdoor use, e.g. land surveying, under varying weather conditions.




is a 35 Watt RF Output power and IP67 UHF radio modem with a high power transmitter, wide tuning range (403-473 MHz) in one hardware and selectable channel spacing.
Supported AES128 (by default) / AES256 (as an order option) encryption on radio channel increases the data security. 

Provides a compact and flexible solution for many different long-range applications. It can be equipped with an LCD and push buttons for facilitating the configuration of the radio modem. SATELLINE-EASy has two operating voltage levels to choose from and low power consumption.
Wide 90 MHz / 70 MHz tuning range (330…420 MHz / 403 … 473 MHz)
Selectable channel spacing 12.5 / 20 / 25 kHz
Operating voltage range options: +3.5 to +7.5 / +7 to +27.5 Vdc (-15% / +20%)
Compatible for example with SATELLINE-EASy Pro and -EASy+ modems
Models with AES128 encryption support available.

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